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The Hotel ZOLLHAUS is located on the historical bridge "Nydeggbrücke" within one of Berns main attraction, the BearPark. Only a few steps and the river "Aare" separate the old tollhouse from the Old Town and all its attractions.

One Suite Hotel
Gr. Muristalden 2
3006 Bern


From a small idea to a large project.
After the Swiss Brand Museum decided to leave the old tollhouse after only 1 ½ year of operation we, the Altes Tramdpepot Brauerei Restaurant AG, quickly asked ourselves if there was any good idea for our little neighbouring house.

“a Hotel!”

After some serious doubts, the excitement quickly took over. And we decided: “Let’s do it”. In a short amount of time a business plan was developed and handed in to the city of Bern. Soon after their approval, the planning and realization of the project took its way. However, the simple idea of a hotel turned out to be more complex and difficult as assumed. Heritage protection and architectural obstacles were to be overcome. With the help of SHS (Swiss Hospitality Solutions), countless versions and 6 months of planning and construction we’re proud to now present the Hotel ZOLLHAUS in its new look.
Barely 20 years after the opening of the Altes Tramdepot Brewery and Restaurant, the Hotel ZOLLHAUS is besides the Weincafe Klösterli and Gelateria Eiswerkstatt its newest addition to the Tramdepot family.


Good News!

The ZOLLHAUS is one of the 100 most beautiful hotels in Europe!

Below you can read a short text in German, which GEO SEASON has written about our hotel.
«Es muss nicht gleich Alaska sein, um beim Frühstück Braunbären beobachten zu können. Finn, Björk und Ursina heissen die drei drolligen Biester, die unterhalb der Nydeggbrücke (Foto links) in ihrem Park herumtrollen. Auf der Brücke befindet sich eine weitere Kuriosität: Das alte Zollhaus, in dem früher die Zöllner Schuster und Kohli wohnten, hat sich jüngst in ein Pop-up-Hotel mit einer 70-Quadratmeter-Wohung auf zwei Ebenen verwandelt. Die Einrichtung ist eine spannende Mischung aus historischen Details und luxuriösen, handgefertigten Möbeln des italienischen Designers Plinio il Giovane.»

Quelle: Das Reisemagazin GEO SAISON, ausser Konkurrenz, Februar 2019, S.59.

Hotelier No10

There is a great article about the ZOLLHAUS in the magazine "Hotelier".

Unfortunately it is only available in German, but may you are interested to have a look at it.


Altes Tramdepot Brauerei Restaurant AG
Filiale Zollhaus
Gr. Muristalden 6
3006 Bern
You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm at +41 31 368 14 15
T +41 31 368 14 15